The Mexican Blog Contributor and her amazing hair |
It's saturday night, we suppose to go out right? Or at least that's a social shared idea. But nope, my luck is not so good enough to get me out of this two bedroom suite.
Knowing that this night was calling to an end, i tried to go to bed. Bad news, my fifty year old neighbor is having a party, even he has more social life than I do. I couldn't sleep, the noise was to loud. Their old songs just made me relise how pathetic is my life at the moment.
I opened a bottle of red wine, a good one that I stole from my father's cellar: a chilean Merlot from 2003, "120" it's the name "in honor of the 120 patriots who fought for Chile's Independece" it's written on the label. I wish i were one of those guys, then my life would have any meaning, because right now it seems like my life is out of any course.
I had a couple of glasses, lighted up a cigarette and started to rearrenge the whole living room. I felt just like an alcoholic housewife whose husband was out, having fun, while I did the dishes.
No lipstick, what's the point of it when you are not leaving your nest? No skirts or sexy blouses. The only thing you could rescue from my outfit were my pair of high heels. Yep, I ware high heels at home, is the only way to feel gorgeous while you are doing hosework or trying to find out where to go; so, if someone calls me, I can easily change my clothes, but feeling already ready to party. Well in this case, nobody was going to make that call.
I dialed a couple of numbers, trying to crash into a party that I wasn't invited. No answer, even my roomate, the girl with I share adventures and the rent, wasn't available. She went out on a date, lucky her. With a guy she doesn't even care about. Sometimes the desire of killing a lonely night could make us do unpredictable things.
And that was something I was getting to know well, pretty well.
I called a guy that I met a few weekends ago. We made out at the bar, but nothing further, he was a cinderella man, he had to get home early because of his age. I even did my hair before I called him. I spent a considerable amount of time infront of the mirror, rehearsing the conversation I was about to have. What a waste of time! There was no conversation at lot but his "Sorry, I think I'll pass". What does that suppose to mean? "I'll pass"? What the fuck? He rejected me, big time, and I wasn't use to it. Not because I'm irresistible, I don't think I am, it was because I'm not use to ask, in my culture boys ask, and you have to choose between the guys who had chosen you.
Well, I was new in the city, with a whole new mentality, so I tried to shock the mexican culture by asking a guy to go out, and more specifically, by letting him now that I wanted someone to make up with. So a direct negative response is what you get when you try to change the status quo of a macho society.
My moral was low, so low that I could reach the centre of earth, and let me tell you it was hot, but the paradox in this equation is that I wasn't, I wasn't hot at all, or at least I didn't feel that way. His rejection made me feel stupid, pathetic and ugly, even though I now I'm not. The power that we women put on a man word is infinite, they could take us to saturn, and let us think that we deserve one of those rings, but in a moment, they could take us back to earth, and we will find our selves digging a hole which doesn't take us to China, where, at least we could be buying pirate Chanel bags, which could help us with the mourning of not having someone by our side.
It seems that I'm a masochist, 'cause I called another guy, one that I knew he likes me, he had a crush on me during College, and now that I'm back I ran into him a couple of weeks ago. After a bottle os whisky, he confesed he used to love me, and he was trying to ask me out, but he was too coward to actually pronunce those words. I understood at that moment, and left him alone, I wasn't going to give him a hard time, the whole karma idea was running in the circuits of my head.
-"Niengo, hi this is Me, what are you doing?..... Oh, ok I understand, see you later, I guess?, Ok bye babe".
And that was it, he rejected me too! This wasn't my night, I haven't had a "night" since 2008. That was it. I understood the message, this new Bobby Brown wasn't going to make its debut on my lips tonight.
I kept drinking red wine, I drunk it like if it was holy water, and was going to solve all my problems.
I sent a couple of texts to my roomate, she hasn't replied yet, and I don't think she will, I wouln't do it if I was her position, in the middle of a date, with a no-so-cute-guy, but hey, he still have lips and hands that he can use to make a point.
So I decided I'm going to finish this bottle of wine, and perhaps, if I reach a good point of drunkness I will be able to sleep, even though my neighbor is showing right into my face that he has more "luck" than I do.
And by the way, I got a new bracelet, which no one has seen, except for the other blog contributor, who hasn't contribute yet!